The Range

Flat Broke Shooters Range
The range is 10 lanes and 25 yards long featuring a state of the art target retrieval system, Carey’s ventilation, and it is fully ballistic enabling training forward of the firing line for group training. Additional features include a training room, lounge, retail area, and kitchen. We want to provide a safe, family friendly, high quality shooting experience while continuing to offer quality shooting instruction in Southern Maryland.
Range Memberships
Being a member of the range has many perks. Easy-check in each visit, members only specials, and unlimited visits with no additional lane fees!
Individual Membership
1 Time Initiation Fee of $50.00-
Unlimited Range Time
First Access to our Classes
Family Membership
1 Time Initiation Fee of $75.00-
Unlimited Range Time
First Access to our Classes
Range Fees
$24.95 / for the first shooter
$15.00 / per shooter on same lane
Up to 4 people allowed on a single lane
- Minors ages 7-17 shoot for free (see rules and regulations)
- The 1 hour time limit is only in effect if there is a wait list for lanes.
- If you have hit the 1 hour mark while we have a wait list and wish to continue shooting, you may reenter the wait-list at no cost
Firearm Rentals
Handgun - $15.00 /hour - $20.00 for 2 Guns
$25.00 for Unlimited Gun Rental
.22 Rifle - $15.00 /hour
F4 Defense Recon Rifle - $20.00 /hour
If you purchase a gun from us on the same day you do the $25 unlimited rentals, we will credit your purchase $20 (no other discounts apply).
We have a variety of popular firearms from major manufacturers available to rent for classes, one on one instruction, or for corporate/team building events. In addition, firearm rentals are available to: (1) our existing range members; (2) active duty or retired U.S. military; or (3) current or retired Law Enforcement with valid credentials (4) customers with a valid Maryland Handgun Qualification License or a Concealed Carry Permit from any state.
Range FAQ
In Southern Maryland / Lexington Park, six miles south of the Patuxent River Naval Station off of Rt 235.
48845 Saint James Church Rd, Lexington Park, Md 20653
Pistol, rifle and shotgun (slugs only or 00 Buckshot, no muzzle loaders). The range is rated up to 338 Lapua, however for comfort of the other shooters we may need to lower this. The popular .223 / .556 rifles are allowed!
Yes. You may bring your own ammunition, however we must restrict types of ammunition for safety and all outside ammunition is subject to inspection for safety purposes. No steel core or bi-metal rounds, no green-tip and no incendiary rounds. We sell ammunition and it is competitively priced. We even have bulk ammo specials!
Yes! We offer individual and family memberships. Memberships will require a $50 individual or $75 family initiation fee, and we expect it will take about 30 minutes to complete your membership sign up and safety check out. After initiation the membership will be an annual contract billed monthly $34.95 individuals, $39.95 for families. Approximately 75% of the membership spots have been sold! Members also have the option to rent lockers at an additional fee.
Family memberships include a spouse, and children ages 18 -21 provided that all parties are residing at the same address. Children ages 7 – 17 shoot free with an adult, however children in this age range MUST be accompanied by a parent on their first visit.
Members will have priority access to the range, with unlimited visits each month.
Yes, non-members may use the range on a space available basis for an hourly fee of $24.95, up to 2 additional shooters can be added to a lane rental for $10 per shooter. For safety purposes all non-members will be required to get a Range Safety card. This will take about 15 – 20 minutes to go through the range rules / safety orientation and will have a $15 fee. The Range Safety card will be good for 1 year from the date of issue.
Yes, and we do provide FFL services for our savvy online shoppers.
Yes, please see our gun rental section above for more information.
We offer a full line of reasonably priced targets, including the popular Shoot N See targets. Members may bring their own paper targets but they must be pre-approved prior to use. No offensive targets or targets representing religious figures will be allowed. Maximum Target size is 24 inches tall.
County requirements say the structure must look agricultural, so we embraced this theme to bring you an amazing interior and exterior with a country flair!
Range Rules
1. Everyone must go through the range safety orientation and complete all required paperwork prior to reserving a shooting lane. No exceptions. Non-members will be required to obtain a “FBS Range Safety Card” prior to use, this card is good for 1 year.
2. All firearms entering the facility must be either holstered or unloaded and cased. Customers who are legally allowed to do so may enter the facility holstered and hot. Firearms must remain holstered or cased in all common areas except when in use on the range. For safety reasons, loaded firearms and ammunition are prohibited in certain areas of the facility where dry fire exercises may take place. Firearms and ammunition are prohibited in the classroom.
3. Never use alcohol or drugs before or during shooting.
4. No food, drink, chewing gum, or tobacco products are allowed on the range.
5. Eye and ear protection is required; these items MUST be put on before entering and during the entire use of the range.
6. All firearm handling is restricted to the confines of the shooting booth. The shooting booth is defined as the area between the booth partitions on the range. When removing or securing a firearm from a case/bag, the case/bag must be brought to the confines of the shooting booth to do so. Never handle firearms in the area behind the shooting booth. Firearms must be cased or holstered in this area even if they are just being moved between lanes.
7. Shooters must remain behind the firing line at all times during open shooting hours.
8. Always keep your finger off the trigger until your firearm is pointed at the target and you are ready to shoot.
9. All targets must be placed at eye level to ensure the rounds go directly into the backstop. Multiple targets are allowed but they must all be placed at eye level. Be mindful of range damage, bullets do continue on a path beyond the paper and cardboard targets you are shooting at.
10. Only aimed fire is allowed on the range; this means firearms must be sighted at eye level. Shooting from the hip is specifically prohibited.
11. Firearms may only be tabled unloaded, with the actions open and muzzle pointed downrange. With revolvers, this means cylinder open and visible, muzzle pointing downrange. With semi-autos, this means slide locked to the rear, magazine removed, ejection port facing up and muzzle pointing downrange. The only exception is during a CEASE FIRE.
12. If you have brought more than one firearm, use only one at a time. When finished, make sure to clear the firearm before using the next one. Always use the proper ammunition with your firearm.
13. Drawing from the holster is prohibited. If you are a Maryland Concealed Carry permit holder who is legally carrying, please notify RANGE staff if you wish to shoot your concealed firearm. They will supervise the retrieval of that firearm once on the firing line. The firearm may not be re-holstered without notifying RANGE staff. Practice draws are prohibited.
14. Firearms and ammunition used in the range are subject to inspection at any time.
15. Use only the correct ammunition designated for your firearm. Armor-piercing/steel core, bi-metal and tracer ammunition is specifically prohibited. Shotguns may be used with slugs or 00 buck.
16. Muzzle loaders and black powder cartridges are prohibited.
17. Full auto may be used during scheduled or arranged times with RANGE staff supervision. Please check with Range Staff for proper procedures to use full auto.
18. All NFA items entering the facility must be accompanied with proper paperwork.
19. The following procedures must be followed for any firearm or ammunition problems that occur and cannot be resolved in a safe manner by the shooter. Remain in the shooting booth while keeping the firearm pointed downrange and signal a Range Safety Officer for assistance. Raising your non-shooting hand will signal a Range Safety Officer that you are in need of assistance.
20. If you observe an unsafe condition, report it to a Range Safety Officer immediately.
21. Upon the command of CEASE FIRE, stop shooting immediately, engage safety, place your firearm on the table or ground pointing down range, and back away from the shooting booth. Do not under any circumstances reapproach the firing line or touch your firearm until the command of ALL CLEAR is given.
22. All range commands given by RANGE staff and RANGE Safety Officers must be obeyed immediately and without question. Range commands are non-negotiable.
23. Shooters may collect their personal shot brass within the confines of the shooting booth once they have cleared and cased their firearm. Shooters must remain behind the firing line at all times.
24. RANGE staff must approve all targets used on the range. Targets deemed inappropriate by RANGE staff are prohibited. Maximum target size is 24 inches tall.
25. Shooter-caused damage to range or equipment will result in a repair fine and/or removal from the range.
Membership Information
- Every new customer must go through a brief orientation class prior to shooting at our facility, regardless of shooting experience. Must present a valid, unexpired U.S. government-issued photo ID.
- Minors under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by their legal parent or guardian for the first visit and that legal parent or guardian MUST sign the waiver. Follow-up visits then can be made with an adult who is not the legal parent or guardian.
- Children under the age of 21 must be accompanied by an adult who is lawful to be in possession of firearms in order to shoot a handgun or regulated firearm.
- Annual members have access to the range at no additional charge. Range time will only be limited to 1 hour IF there is a waitlist.
- All annual membership sales are final; no refund will be issued for any reason.
- Automatic renewal will take place unless written notice is given at least 30 days prior to membership end date
- St Mary’s, Charles and Calvert County Law Enforcement who sign up in uniform will have their initiation fees waived!
Range Information
- All new customers must present a valid ID at their first visit, and they will have their photo taken for their customer profile.
- All shooters 18 years of age and older must obtain a FBS Range Safety Card by watching our range safety video. The fee for this is $15 and the safety card is good for 1 year.
- All minors must be accompanied by a parent for their first visit. After the first visit they must be with an adult who is lawful to be in possession of firearms. Please note, the minimum age to shoot at our facility is 7 years old.
- You must be 21 years of age to shoot a handgun, or be accompanied by someone who is lawful to be in possession of a handgun.